2021/2022 Annual Report
Welcome to the Atvos Bioenergia S.A. Annual Report for crop year 2021/2022. In it we highlight our key operational, economic, financial, social and environmental figures and significant projects in the period. You can read the complete report here.
About Atvos
Atvos is among the leading clean energy companies in Brazil.
Our company produces and sells ethanol, VHP sugar, electricity and decarbonization credits (CBIOs) from sugarcane biomass.
We are one of the largest ethanol producers and suppliers in Brazil, and are helping to create a cleaner energy mix and reduce GHG emissions in the country.
Our operations
This cluster comprises two operations, named after their host municipalities of Alto Taquari, Mato Grosso, and Costa Rica, Mato Grosso do Sul.
This cluster comprises three operation sites in the state of Goiás: Rio Claro, in the municipality of Caçu; Morro Vermelho, in the city of Mineiros; and Água Emendada, in Perolândia.
South Cluster
This cluster comprises four operations straddling the border between the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul: Conquista do Pontal, in Mirante do
Paranapanema (SP), Alcídia*, in Teodoro Sampaio (SP); Eldorado, in Rio Brilhante (MS); and Santa Luzia, in Nova Alvorada do Sul (MS).
* hibernating
More than 300 employees work at our Headquarters in São Paulo (SP) and our office in Campinas (SP).
from Our Leadership
Atvos made important strides in the 2021/2022 crop year. We expanded our operations—resuming investments in our mills and new sugarcane plantations—and we laid the foundation to become more efficient, sustainable and competitive in producing clean energy from sugarcane.
Internally, we began an effort to restructure our company with the approval of a new Business Plan outlining four pillars that will guide our activities over the coming years: Agricultural Productivity, Cost Efficiency, Organizational Alignment and Business Sustainability. Together with our recently approved Agricultural and Industrial Master Plan, these pillars lay out a blueprint for a more sustainable future for our business, underpinned by a solid governance foundation.
Atvos is experiencing a period of transformation and growth. We are grateful for the daily dedication of our team members, suppliers, partners and all of those who are helping us to build our future. We invite you to learn about our challenges and successes in the 2021/2022 crop year in this Annual Report.
Gustavo Alvares
The crop year at a glance
Production Figures
8.3 TAH
(Metric Tons of Sugar
per Hectare)
135.5 ATR
(Total Recoverable
Sugar) Average
52.8 TCH
(Metric Tons of Cane
per Hectare) own farms
68.8 TCH
(Metric Tons of Cane
per Hectare) contract farms
Economic and
financial performance
We enjoyed one of our best financial years to date, with:
R$ 6.87 billion
in net revenue,
up 35%
on crop year 2020/2021.
R$ 2.2 billion
in adjusted EBITDA*,
up 84%.
R$ 1.34 billion
in cash generation**,
a gain of 55%
on the previous crop year.
* Excluding the effects of IFRS 16 and amortization
of crop care operations
** Cash generation is operating cash flow less
CAPEX and changes in working capital
R$ 693 million in investments in field and mill productivity, 75% more than in the previous crop year.
ESG Strategy
During the 2021/2022 crop year we evolved our scenario analysis, risk and opportunity assessment, and target-setting practices. As part of our ongoing transformation, we mapped out our existing environmental, social and governance initiatives to set targets and develop a better structured ESG practice. Below are some of our related highlights in the crop year.
We created a Diversity & Inclusion Committee to build an inclusive culture and promote a work environment that is respectful, welcoming, accessible, and equitable.
and partners
Our Stronger Partners program strengthens engagement with contract farmers and landowners.
We sourced sugarcane from 42 suppliers, who delivered 10 million metric tons during the 2021/2022 crop year.
100% of suppliers were screened against social and environmental criteria, and signed our Sugarcane Value Chain Sustainability Commitment.
In crop year 2021/2022 we had 2,456 suppliers of goods and services, totaling R$ 2.3 billion in business.